Media Appearances
Media interviews of various types.
Dr. Sztybel has been interviewed for various print media and on several local and national radio and television shows. His work has attracted inquiries and commentary from many nations, including: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Britain, Canada (Sztybel's native country), Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Norway, Peru, Poland, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United States. This page focuses exclusively on internet-based media (including the media of languages other than English). Their messages do not necessarily reflect the views of Dr. Sztybel.
The items are presented in chronological order.
The Canadian Council on Animal Care's Code of Ethics: A Critical Evaluation
Medical Research Modernization Committee: Featuring of critique of Canadian Council on Animal Care Code of Ethics
David Sztybel
Featured Statements on Verein Gegen Tierfabriken
Statements featured on website of Verein Gegen Tierfabriken (Association Against Animal Factories) in Austria, in support of unjustly imprisoned animal activist, Dr. Martin Balluch
Website Features
Fausses allégations de la zoothérapie (III)
L'aut' journal: Sztybel David, "Can the treatment of animals be compared to the holocaust", Ethics and the environment.
Charles Danten
Animal Right Law (MIRROR PRODUCTION) translation to Spanish
Translation of "Animal Rights Law" (MIRROR PRODUCTION) into Spanish by Dani Dorado. Dani is one of several former animal rights fundamentalists who wrote to tell me that my arguments in the article in question refute the relevant opinions of law professor Gary L. Francione.
Dani Dorado
Animal Right Law (MIRROR PRODUCTION) translation to Portugese
Translation of "Animal Rights Law" (MIRROR PRODUCTION) into Portugese by Brazilian animal rights activist, media specialist, and researcher Eduardo Hegenberg. He did it because, he claims, my work is the best voice out there for animal rights pragmatism. He has his own work cut out for him debating with Francione followers and the like in Brazil.
Eduardo Hegenberg
The book that changed my life
New Statesman: David Sztybel suggests that despite some obvious differences, the mass slaughter of animals is ethically analogous to the Holocaust in the scale of suffering involved
Peter Tatchell
Entrevista realizada por LIBERA! a David Sztybel
Libera!: Interview
Dani Dorado
Entrevista realizada por LIBERA! a David Sztybel feature article
EVANA: Interview was featured article
Dani Dorado
A Critical Attack on Anti-Welfarism of Francione
Dr. Carlos Naconecy, like Dr. Sztybel, is a Fellow with the prestigious Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. Dr. Naconecy authored the book Ethics and Animals (2006), and presented a critical attack on the anti-welfarism of Francione at the 12th International Vegan Festival. The essay explicitly follows the lines of critique laid out by Dr. Sztybel in relevant writings.
Dr. Carlos Naconecy
Opinion Piece on Barack Obama
The Philadelphia Tribune: Mention in an opinion piece by A. Bruce Crawley on Barack Obama (who often waxes wistfully about Abraham Lincoln). Favorably cited my original research from Lincoln's compiled writings which show that he was brazenly and severely racist.
A. Bruce Crawley
Jonathan Safran Foer - Eating Animals (2009)
LiveJournal: David Sztybel, in particular his paper 'Can the Treatment of Animals Be Compared to the Holocaust?'
Trumping the Hitler card
The Soulful Eye: a legitimate Holocaust comparison looks like in the animal advocacy world, specifically at the article "Can the Treatment of Animals Be Compared to the Holocaust?", written by David Sztybel, himself the son of a survivor.
UBC animal research needs to meet a higher standard
Vancouver Sun: David Sztybel concludes the Council allows so many exceptions to its guidelines that Canada's system of quasi-regulation might be worse than having no oversight at all because Canadians are given the illusion that animals used in science are being adequately protected.
Diane Alfred
U of T animal experimentation a waste of time
Toronto Star: David Sztybel said universities tend to support animal research because of "the money and habit".
Valerie Hauch
David Sztybel on Gary Francione
Sztybel's case against Francionism given high praise.
Horse breeders reject foal killing
The government's recent decision to end the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation’s Slots at Racetracks Program is alarming animal activists.
Laura Pedersen
David Sztybel on Gary Francione (recommendation)
"David Sztybel on Gary Francione" tops recommended reading list on
David Sztybel
Thinking Critically about Veganism. Filmed by Michael Sizer.
Dr. Sztybel expounds briefly on this fascinating topic.
Behind the Scences at a Kitty Blood Clinic
Nonhuman slavery is condemned by Dr. Sztybel in spite of its benefits.
Sarah-Taïssir Bencharif