Favourite links.
A collection of excellent links worth visiting!
Adopt An Animal Canada
A national database of animal shelters, rescues, sanctuaries, and pounds across canada. Adopting animals saves healthy creatures from being destroyed.
Animal Concerns
A clearing house of information on various animal rights issues.
Animal Rights Counterculture
A rich source of freely distributed animal rights songs, stories, children's educational materials, and artistic works.
Compassion Over Killing
A U.S. based group, which also features an on-line publication entitled The Abolitionist
An organization which encourages taking action on animal rights and vegetarian issues as they occur in the mass media.
Institute For Critical Animal Studies
A website devoted to acadmic discussion of animal liberation issues. See information about forthcoming conferences, as well as articles by animal liberation scholars in a peer-reviewed journal.
Medical research modernization committee
An outfit of medical practitioners and researchers, based in New York, who challenge and criticize the harmful use of animals in research, and who tell a different history of medicine than those who make vague claims for the efficacy of extrapolating from nonhuman animal "models" of human health or disease.
Mercy for Animals
A terrific national group centred in the United States that is making great strides for pro-vegan activism.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
The largest and one of the most effective yet controversial animal rights groups in the world.
Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine
A revolutionary group representing thousands of medical doctors and others in the health field who question the supposed "necessity" of invasive animal research, and who rightly deplore the dangers to human health attendant to eating animal products, and the toxic and resource-consumptive environmental impacts of an animal-consumptive lifestyle.
Planet Vegan
A rich source of links and information especially about vegan ethics (with links to several essays), but also presents findings on the impacts of meat-eating on the environment we all share, and human health.
The Animal Rights FAQ
Frequently asked questions and well-provided answers to many common concerns about animal rights philosophy and practice.
The Animals' Voice
A professionally formatted, award-winning site featuring animal rights news, commentary, photography, slide shows, calendars of events, and many links to other useful resources.
The Farm Sanctuary
Home of an organization that rescues animals from being killed for food, and gives them a place of greenery to live out their natural lifespans. One of the world's greatest opponents of "factory" farming.
The Oxford Centre For Animal Ethics
Promotes animal ethics in academic teaching and research. has a book series with Palgrave Macmillan on animal ethics, initiated The Journal Of Animal Ethics, international conferences, and other initiatives.
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Voyagers on the storied journeys of the vessel called the sea shepherd have challenged whalers on the high seas, preventing them from breaking international laws and from massacring whales and other creatures. They have sunk illegal whaling vessels, and although such tactics are bound to be controversial, Captain Watson, for one, makes no apology for saving cetacian lives.
The Ultimate Guide to Cruelty-Free Beauty and Household Shopping
One might view this web page with skepticism just because it is obviously a dot-com and mixed up with coupons even in the web address. But that skepticism would be unwarranted: this is not mindless consumerism but a case of responsible shopping. The page is very concisely illuminating on cruel animal testing, connected to histories of the struggles against this practice, some victories, and offering a strictly vegan list of ethically okay shopping choices for cosmetics and household products such as cleansers.
The Vegan Society
This is the group, located in the United Kingdom, which originated the concept of veganism along with the society's inception in 1944. It was felt that a new word was needed to distinguish those committed to strict vegetarianism, in the belief that all animal usages correlate with needless cruelty, exploitation, and invasiveness.
The Vegetarian Resource Group
A source of information for new vegetarians, and those who continue to explore the tasty and nutritious delights that vegetarianism has to offer.
Vegan Cooking
An estimable source of tasty vegan recipes!
Vegan Outreach
A group which devised perhaps the most successful pro-vegan pamphlet ever, replete with pictures and relevant facts, detailing why ethical individuals should opt for a vegan diet, and seek to educate others who are seriously concerned with cruelty-free living.