
Vegan-Maker: Exposing Everyday Animal Abuse

Every human needs to be respected. So does every other animal. So respectfully, if you support any of these practices, then you need to see just what it is you are perpetuating. Prefaced with respect, you can pass this along to your friends. If you say you are concerned with cruelty, they will respect you unless they do not care about cruelty, which would seem to border on sociopathy. The highest forms of friendship involve a mutual concern with justice. Any human's discomfort watching these is endlessly outweighed by the routine sufferings of the animals depicted. These films are short but their significance is enduring. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. If so, then these motion pictures are worth millions of words. Still, it is unfortunate that one can "see" these films without seeing. That is, one can, in a speciesist manner, view the animals as objects and remain unmoved, or else try to see things from their standpoints and be affected appropriately. That is, honestly. And yes, these films are sufficiently representative of reality to be taken seriously. They are part of the reason why the North American public trusts indications from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) more than, for example, the "animal farm" corporations or their mouthpieces. Please reflect deeply on the truth as you find it, and do so with all of the goodness in your heart. It is time now to jump from the clean sweep of language to the gritty realities that must be faced if ever they are to be overcome, as rightly they must:

  1. Animals Used as Food
    This film by PETA, Glass Walls, is narrated by Sir Paul McCartney. It is based on his famous quotation: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian." Looks at contemporary raising of animals, transport, and slaughter.

  2. Fishing
    Consider the overwhelming evidence that fish feel pain in conjunction with common practices.

  3. Fur, Leather, and Wool
    This short by PETA is entitled, aptly enough, Looks That Kill: Fur, Leather, and Wool.

  4. Animal Experimentation
    Featured here is PETA's assertive indictment called, Animal Testing Overview.

  5. Dissection
    PETA's Classroom Cutups reveals that there's a lot more involved than cutting up dead animals. See the factories in which live animals are prepared as specimens, among other relevant realities.

  6. Puppy Mills
    PETA has actress Charlize Theron detail what is wrong with buying "pets" from "pet stores." The Humane Society of United States estimates that 99% of these animals come from puppy mills, where animals are raised least expensively as in factory farming, often living in excreta, in wire cages, with horrid food, and deprived of veterinary care, socialization, and more.

  7. Lack of Spaying and Neutering
    PETA's 8 Reasons for Animal Birth Control. Literally millions of dogs, cats, and other domesticated animals are killed every year because they are allowed or even encouraged to breed rather than being spayed or neutered.

  8. Circuses
    Alec Baldwin narrates a behind-the-scenes investigation of routine cruelty in animal acts for circuses. Entitled Cheap Tricks.

  9. Rodeos
    PETA's Rodeo Crulety.

  10. Aquarium Shows
    PETA's Marine Mammals.

  11. Zoos
    The International Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA) finds out zoos as systematically cruel.

  12. Hunting
    Here we focus on the commercial seal hunt as just one example, through the lens of Humane Society International (HSI). However, the suffering and premature deaths due to other kinds of hunting are no less significant.

Even if you are not directly implicated in the above abuses, it is up to those who are not to mount such an opposition as to end all animal abuses, including those pertaining to humans. If you engage in or support speciesist practices, then please be aware that people just like you need to change if speciesism itself is to be substantially ended as is the present goal with racism and sexism. Pain is pain, no matter the species of the sufferer. Still, do not overly associate these films with "animal rights." These shorts depict conditions that violate animal rights. Portrayals of animal rights would show, for example, peaceful animal sanctuaries where animals are honoured residents. These shorts have tremendous "conversion potential" as activist experience shows. That is because they are often the best way of getting a sense of the realities of speciesism. Actually, one's own experience might only provide glimpses which film-makers typically go way beyond.

I hope this listing will be useful to pass around or to link to for its easy access, selection out of so many possible films to view, and coverage of so many aspects of routine forms of animal abuse. I extend a special thanks to PETA, also gratefully acknowledging ISPCA and HSI, for providing these films to the public for their edification and towards the liberation of all who might find emancipation to be significant.

